March Offer: Half Price Conflicts of interest workshop

We picturehave recently provided conflicts of interest training for several CCG governing bodies.  It seems that the promised national mandatory online training has been slow to materialise and when it does arrive, whilst it will I am sure be helpful, it is unlikely to serve everyone’s needs.  Some folk (most in my experience) learn and retain more if they have an opportunity for both discussions with peers and for working through real scenarios.

Indeed, our experience tells us that most of the tricky conflicts of interest issues occur when the whole governing body or board do not have a shared understanding of the risks. This can only be solved by discussion.

Because the preparation for these workshops is already done, we are making the training available to any CCG at a discounted price.

The workshop follows a logical structure taking participants through why it’s important to consider conflicts of interest in the context of making the best decisions.  We then look at what constitutes an interest and when interests might present potential for conflict.  The remainder of the workshop is spent working through a number of real scenarios faced by CCGs including primary care conundrums.

This amazing offer applies to all sessions booked in March and applies to our pre-prepared three hour workshop. The offer price is £450.  (plus expenses and VAT)

The training and/or payment can take place any time between now and the end of May. Bespoke training can also be arranged.  Please contact me for further details  Conflicts of Interest Workshop flyer